Thursday, July 9, 2015


My sister has a friend whose mom is French.  Growing up this friend's mom said "You can indulge in food or you can indulge in fashion."  I imagine her saying it with a very heavy French accent and beginning the sentence with "Darling".  I enjoy clothes and looking nice in them.  But, I've never been able to translate that into walking away from a second or third Oreo.

I have this pair of weird boots.  I love them.  I got them at Goodwill and they're awesome.  They come part of the way up my leg, are a patchwork of brown leather, they zip up the side and have a gigantic heel, maybe 5 inches with a small platform in the front.  They remind me, vaguely, of a pair of platform shoes my mom had in the 70s.

I love lots of things about these boots.  They go with everything, I'm not quite as short next to my towering family when I wear them and they make me feel confident and attractive.

My son asked me once why I love those boots and I answered, "Because they make me feel imposing."  Who doesn't want to feel imposing?!!  Who doesn't want to feel like they're the master of all they survey, that they're a kind and benevolent queen for the day?

Happy with my answer I turned to my son.  He nodded once then said, "You should wear them all the time, then."


Well, I can't wear them ALL the time.  They definitely wouldn't go with shorts, even though I said earlier that they go with "everything".  But, is it possible to get that imposing feeling without the 5 inch heels?  Maybe...

I often pin outfits on Pinterest and I've previously subscribed to MissusSmartyPants all in an effort to feel good about myself and what I wear.  It has helped some.  I do have outfits that make me feel cute or fashionable or yes, even imposing.  But, all the time, every live-long day?  Nope.

As I write this I'm wearing a t-shirt that's at least 6 years old which I got for free for changing a prescription to a new pharmacy; hand-me-down bright red slippers from a son who outgrew them; and incredibly comfortable sweatpants that have a paint stain on one leg and a small but noticeable rip in the derriere.  I would think twice about walking to the mailbox in these clothes and my husband would like me to get rid of the sweats.  I'm comfortable and cozy and surrounded by people who, thankfully, don't care what I look like.  But imposing?  Not even a little bit.

Do I need to feel imposing at the moment?  Would I be a better wife, mom or friend if I did?  Probably not.  But, if I looked like this constantly, day in and day out, I'm sure it would begin to affect my self esteem and therefore the rest of my life.

There's a quote by the Curly Girl that says, "I'm fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world."  And, that's the point, isn't it?  We all want to feel capable and confident.  That we can make a difference, help someone out, even change the world.  Shouldn't we all make an effort to feel like that every day?  Whether that takes a tiara, an amazing necklace or a pair of funky, fabulous boots, I say do it!  Go for it!  Then, when you feel so amazing, maybe you'll feel like indulging in something besides oreos.

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