Thursday, February 7, 2019

14 Things I Don’t Understand
  1. How you can electronically unsubscribe from a newsletter with the click of a mouse but it takes days or weeks to actually be taken off the email list?
  2. Why black bean soup is inherently "Mexican." Why not Italian or American?
  3. What Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are made of.  What planet did that material come from?  Clean sharpie off painted walls? Check.  Clean soap scum from glass shower doors? Yup.  Would it clean the freckles off my arm?  Maybe.
  4. I consider myself a fairly good cook. So, why do I often smoke up my entire house when I make dinner?
  5. Why it's called a station wagon.  
  6.  Why I'm thinking about station wagons.
  7.  Why it’s socially acceptable to wake yourself up with caffeine in the form of coffee, but not with Coke?
  8. "Titanic The Musical"
  9. Why I can never get my eyelashes exactly the same when I put on mascara.
  10. Why people insist on driving slow in the fast lane. No one is insulting your manhood if they pass you. Just get over!
  11. Why people lived through one winter north of the Mason Dixon Line then thought it was a good idea to live through another.
  12. Why people lived through one summer south of the Mason Dixon Line then thought it was a good idea to live through another.
  13. Why my very Southern mom has so many linguistic similarities to people in Maine. Neither pronounces Rs for example.
  14. Why I often find all the 6s in my Sudoku puzzles before any other number.
Cold Kayaks in Bloomsburg, PA

Just wondering....

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